914-8132896 - 360 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801

Worker’s Resource Center

The Worker’s Resource Center was created to provide information, training and support to workers. We focus on combating wage theft, informing contractors and owners about hiring competent and legal workers, and improving labor competencies through training. We are committed to empowering workers and promoting a fair and equitable work environment.

We advocate to find a solution to their immediate to empower them, to minimize the exploitations and outrages for which they are exposed when they are hired by abusive and corrupted employers. Collaborating with other groups sharing experiences and resources in support of the workers demanding fair wages.

Direct organizing to acchieve labor justice. Bringing them support when in an emergency and reducing significally accident at work, thru the safety at work trainings.

  • OSHA-30
  • ESOL
  • Basic Computer
  • Learn your rights workshop
  • EWF Application assistance
  • Westchester County Identification Card Application assistance

  • Employment Appl. Asst
  • Resume Writing
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefit Asst.
  • TIN Application assistance
  • Work permit renual
  • Job Placement

  • Home Health Aid (training)
  • Pathways to Apprenticeship Training
  • Collection of Wageas and Mediation
  • Job Listing
  • Apartment listing
  • Emergency Medicaid


We encourage them to participate in the labor market through workplace rights education, leadership development and popular education methods identifying social changes from within the worker community which is important for full integration into the labor force.